Co-located with Technology for Marketing

18 - 19 September 2024
ExCeL London

18 - 19 September 2024
ExCeL London

Exhibitor Products

AI Search

Algolia Stand: K10

NeuralSearch: semantic plus keyword search

  • Our approach combines semantic search with keyword search. So your customers can find precisely what they’re looking for in milliseconds — while you surface under-exposed content.

Query Categorization

  • A query can relate to more than one category. So “tomato” might mean a sauce or fresh produce and “Burgundy” could be a region, a wine, or a color. Our AI algorithms predict and show results from the the most likely category, improving relevance and boosting customer outcomes.

Dynamic Re-ranking

  • Use AI to identify and boost popular content to stay on top of what’s trending - whether that’s driven by world events or what's hot at the moment.


  • Tailored results lead to higher engagement. Our AI can personalize search results, product listings and recommendations to every user.

AI Synonyms

  • Analyzing your user inputs, Algolia automatically detects new potential synonyms. Quickly accept or reject synonym recommendations. Let AI Synonyms help you match more queries.
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