Co-located with Technology for Marketing

18 - 19 September 2024
ExCeL London

18 - 19 September 2024
ExCeL London

Conference Programme 2024


Creating Customer Joint Value through Supply Chain

19 Sep 2024
Post-Purchase: Optimising the Delivery Experience

Supply Chain is constantly at the top of the cost bucket for a business and no more so than in dCommerce. But how do you get relationships with customers right to get joint value back into the business. This session will delve into how to make sure your supply chain is driving your business objectives, not standing in the way, via -

  • Maximising your Customer Supply Chain levers
  • Investing in the right customer relationships
  • Using supply chain as an enabler to joint business planning
Katie Bowman, Regional Supply Chain Leader - Europe, CEAB & Turkey (Digital Commerce & Unattended Retail) - Mars

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